Cambridge and Somerville Renters
Sage helps renters find high-quality apartments in Cambridge and Somerville.
Working with Sage means you get a great place and a great landlord - quickly.
With one of the largest networks of landlords in the Boston, Cambridge and Somerville areas - we provide our renter clients with access to excellent properties at fair market value. We work hard to ensure smooth, transparent and stress-free transactions for renters from beginning to end.
We also believe the transaction never ends - we ask renters to keep in touch and if we can ever be of further assistance, we are only a phone call away.
With over 100 transactions closed in 2020 and over 75 all 5-star Google Reviews, many from repeat clients, we believe putting our clients front and center lead to win-win's for all involved.
Getting started as a Cambridge and Somerville Renter:
More Cambridge Renter Resources
Connect with Sage to help you find your next rental in Cambridge, Mass.